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Coronary Artery Disease Specialist


Cardiologists & Vein Care located in Santa Monica, CA

As a leading interventional cardiologist in Torrance, CA, Dr. Younes offers patients from throughout the South Bay and Greater Los Angeles areas the safest and most effective treatment options for coronary heart disease, also called coronary artery disease.

Coronary Artery Disease Q & A

What is coronary heart disease?

Also called coronary artery disease, or CAD, coronary heart disease (CHD) develops when the arteries that supply oxygen-rich blood to the heart become blocked or narrowed as a result of a buildup of sticky plaque or from chronic inflammation. When blood flow decreases significantly, the risks of chest pain, or angina, heart attack and heart damage can increase significantly.

What causes coronary heart disease?

Coronary heart disease most commonly develops when sticky cholesterol collects along the walls of your arteries. These deposits, or plaques, build up over time until finally, the opening, or lumen, of the arteries that serve the heart become narrowed or clogged. Cholesterol in normal quantities is necessary for good health, but when too much is consumed, the excess cholesterol enters the bloodstream and sticks to artery walls. Arteries can also become stiff, resulting in atherosclerosis, or what is sometimes called “hardening” of the arteries. Chronic inflammation also plays a role by making artery walls weaker and enabling plaque to collect more rapidly. In addition, risk factors like smoking, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes and family history of the disease can also increase your risks for developing coronary heart disease.

What symptoms can coronary heart disease cause?

The most common symptoms include chest pain (angina) and, eventually, heart attack. Shortness of breath and extreme fatigue, especially when performing exercise, are also symptoms of coronary heart disease.

What treatments are available for coronary heart disease?

In mild CHD, lifestyle changes like quitting smoking, being more physically active, losing weight and eating a diet low in “bad” cholesterol and high in fiber can help you manage the condition. Medications to thin the blood, reduce your blood pressure or lower cholesterol levels may also be prescribed, and minimally-invasive procedures like angioplasty may be needed to widen the arteries. In the most severe cases, bypass surgery may be necessary.